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by 艾米丽Resnevic
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东航卡帕 has invested in state-of-the-art communications technology that allows for video conferencing across classrooms and transforms traditional brick-and-mortar academic centers into virtual Global Classrooms across each of our locations. 这项技术使学生能够实时见面和上课, 查看录制的内容,以便以后访问, and engage in collaborative and comparative analysis of the topics being studied. This technology was originally implemented in our 东航卡帕 courses on our Global Cities programs, 但是在过去的几年里发生了很多变化, it has increasingly become a highly useful and desirable element of custom programming as well.



Connecting classrooms through technology enables students to collaborate and communicate across borders with students in other locations and across the globe, 扩大全球比较研究的机会. This mechanism also creates the potential to link with classrooms in universities to bring international dialogues into the US classroom. 通过这种方式,我们可以从全球化的教学走向全球化的教学.

在本文中, we share two examples of custom programs with 东航卡帕 that were designed to incorporate Globally Networked Learning technology to enhance the curricular goals of the program.

  1. 连接主校区


The University of Utah Eccles School of 业务 is one of the first 东航卡帕 custom programs to have implemented Globally Networked Learning technology as part of the program design. 学生们在东航卡帕伦敦度过秋季学期, 并积极参与东航卡帕伦敦项目, 包括住房, 远足, 以及东航卡帕的“我的全球城市日历”. Eccles students enroll in up to five Eccles-taught courses throughout the program, 在东航卡帕伦敦中心的全球课堂上远程授课. 使课程更加完善, 学生选修一门由东航卡帕伦敦学院教授的文化课程, which allows students to connect with the local culture and engage with 伦敦 as their classroom.

Eccles faculty visit the 伦敦 program at strategic times throughout the program for one week to teach in-person and check in with their students. This model allows students to remain full-time Eccles students while on the program, 为伦敦的埃克尔斯学生产生了一种社区意识和归属感, and reduces the student program fees by not including faculty costs for the full semester. 教职员工仍然可以在犹他州的主校区教授其他课程, 很高兴有机会到伦敦进行短期访问和教学, 可以专注于学术,让东航卡帕支持健康 & 项目的安全和文化参与方面.



东航卡帕's innovative use of technology in the classroom allows students on both Global Cities and custom programs to experience unique learning opportunities.
  1. 连接东航卡帕各地点


Spelman College is a leader in campus internationalization for their innovative faculty-led programming that promote participation and learning from both students and faculty. 东航卡帕 hosts two identical programs for Spelman in 巴塞罗那 and 弗洛伦斯 that run concurrently each summer. The programs enroll students and Spelman faculty in a customized 东航卡帕-taught course about Globalization that utilizes Spelman faculty as group leaders and discussion facilitators. The course includes a Globally Networked Learning activity in which students engage with their counterparts in the other 东航卡帕 global city to enhance their understanding of globalization transnationally. 例如, 在课堂讨论和小组项目中, students are asked to compare what makes their city a global city; how the national identities are formed across 意大利 and 西班牙; and ways in which the tourist gaze affects the urban landscape.

The courses utilize Globally Networked Learning technology by providing an assignment in which Spelman students from one program work on a group project with students from the cohort in the other 东航卡帕 location. 下面是一个GNL赋值的例子:

Students will upload an image onto a shared Google Map that represents their city to them. 下面这个, each 东航卡帕 location will compare and contrast each location's perceptions of their host cities. Students will then be divided into research groups concerning issues relating to all the cities such as art, 食品和市场, 种族, 等. These international student groups will then collaborate and create a shared Google Doc and present their group's findings in class. 报告应该包括对主题的共同比较分析.

Students develop valuable professional skills as they work together on multinational projects with faculty and students across 东航卡帕 locations. This model allows them to learn how to effectively communicate virtually across time zones, 国界, 以及人际障碍. Students also learn important group collaboration skills and develop powerful strategic thinking skills.

Interested in exploring a program that utilizes Globally Networked Learning for a 东航卡帕 custom program with your home institution? 宝博体育的团队开始对话.

艾米丽Resnevic 是高级定制程序开发人员吗.
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