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by 伊娃·巴斯克斯
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所有这些引用大体上都是对的 宝博体育 stories, but nobody talks about the tougher parts of this experience. 你的健康比什么都重要, especially when you're abroad because you want to make the most of your trip. 如果你不好好照顾自己的身体 心理健康和福祉, you’ll struggle identifying with the typical feelings of studying outside of your home country – 好的和坏的.  

这里有7个小贴士教你如何过上最健康的生活, 精神上和身体上, 特别是在 巴塞罗那


由东航员工带领的Collserola远足! 如果你还没有步入正轨,也不要担心. CEA组织了这样的短途旅行机会, while also getting to know new people 和 taking in incredible views.
1. 驾驭你的新家 

While there are various modes of public transportation, 巴塞罗那 is an extremely walkable city. After three weeks of living here, my average steps per day jumped to roughly 17,000. Most of the CEA apartments are a 20-minute walk or metro ride to the CEA center, 这意味着你这一周都要搬家. Doing literally anything else (shopping, eating out, sightseeing, etc.)包括通勤,因此是步行. 即使是乘坐公共交通工具, 你很可能会得到你推荐的10个,每天000步. 尽量省钱,走路去,而不是坐出租车. You can help the environment too, by using the stairs instead of elevators. If you’re interested in learning more about your host city 和 culture, 徒步游览是一个非常棒的选择.  

也有其他的锻炼方式! 这次皮艇和浮潜之旅本身就是一项锻炼, 都能看到布拉瓦海岸美丽的海滩.

2. 想要的不仅仅是步数?  

If you want other types of exercise besides just walking, there are plenty of gyms in the area. I personally go to Viva Gym, which has various locations across 巴塞罗那. I chose an upgraded pass for all locations, which is convenient when I’m out 和 about. Viva Gym offers a weight, cardio, 和 functional training section, as well as group fitness classes. 如果健身房不是你的风格, 有拳击, 参考, 普拉提, 瑜伽馆遍布加泰罗尼亚首府. This variety of exercise options is quite common for those studying abroad in urban areas. 

Farggi咖啡馆 is another must, 和 the best part is that it's right next to CEA! My boyfriend 和 I enjoyed café con leche, a palermo, 和 churros drizzled with Nutella.

3. 任何地方最好的部分:美食 

巴塞罗那以其独特而美味的美食而闻名, but this doesn’t mean you can’t make good choices about what you eat. While patatas bravas 和 a glass of sangria is appealing (和 there’s nothing wrong with enjoying that!) grocery stores have great deals 和 cooking at home can turn into an adventure. Enjoy a croissant on your way to class, but meal prep to make your nights smoother. 当你在国外学习时,平衡是关键. 如果你是素食主义者, don’t worry - 巴塞罗那 is also filled with plenty of plant-based restaurants, 哪些是全城都可以到达的. Honest Greens是我吃健康餐的首选餐厅. Their options are endless, 和 I have only ever heard amazing reviews about it.  

4. “留学瘟疫”  

在一个学期中生病总是最糟糕的. 在国外一个学期生病比这更糟糕. 当你开始注意到喉咙发痒时,呆在家里. Enjoying your city will be there in a few days after you recover. 不要让你的身体过度劳累而延长你的疾病. Take care of yourself 和 you’ll regain your health quicker than if you don’t. 避免普通感冒的几率对你不利, 然而,你可以通过多吃蔬菜来感觉良好, 服用维生素C, 保证充足的睡眠.  


Thanks to the Collserola hike, I met 和 became close with these amazing girls. We stumbled upon this art gallery while exploring La Merce, a huge festival in 巴塞罗那.

5. “你是哪里人?? 你在学什么?? 你是来认识人的吗?” 

Yes, it does feel like the first week of freshman year all over again. 好消息是几乎每个人都在同一条船上. 如果你和一群朋友一起进来, branch off 和 meet new people - it’s a huge part of the experience. 如果你一个人进来,要友好,要外向,要善良. 每个人都想参与进来. Try your best to make these connections early in the program, 随着学期的进行,它会变得越来越难. 然而, don’t be discouraged if you don’t form these bonds during the first weekend or if the people you live with aren’t quite your vibe. CEA提供了很多机会来认识很棒的人. 保持积极的心态,让自己走出去!  

6. 社交媒体无处可去 

我们都想把我们在国外的学期安排得灵活一些 TikTokInstagram的, but overusing social media often leads to comparison, 和 comparison is truly the thief of joy. Your friend group at home may be all together or your 宝博体育 friends may be traveling to a new country every weekend, 但你有自己独特的经历. 当你通过社交媒体感受到比较时, 或者是它的负面影响, 休息一下, 它将永远在那里. 话虽如此,试着限制你看屏幕的时间. Netflix is appealing, but so is the museum that’s right down the street. Text a new acquaintance 和 go do something but take pictures. You are likely only abroad once 和 want to enjoy it to the fullest, 没有任何遗憾. 

日出是我在家里喜欢做的事情. On days I miss my mom or friends in NY, I wake up early to remind myself of home. It's comforting to know that my loved ones are watching the same sunrise... 即使是在我吃午饭的时候.

7. 乡愁 

Whether it comes on your plane ride here or halfway through the semester, 我们都会想家. Being abroad is a new, untouched territory that we are all trying to navigate. 你并不是唯一一个有这种感觉的人. 买一些能让你想起家的东西. 让你的注意力集中在探索新的空间上. 走出你的舒适区,接受改变. Practice gratitude for your time abroad 和 for your memories at home. Keep in touch with your friends 和 family, but don’t forget to live in the present. 你在国外的日子很快就结束了.  

你认为为什么? your physical 和 心理健康 matters when studying abroad? 请在下面的评论中告诉我们你的建议和技巧. 

伊娃·巴斯克斯 2022年秋季CEA内容创作者在巴塞罗那吗, 西班牙, 目前在宾厄姆顿大学学习.
谢谢你的评论! 你的评论必须先被批准




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