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by 艾拉Madrak
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在过去的几个月中 巴黎留学我去过很多神奇的地方,比如 巴塞罗那 和布鲁塞尔, 但是在刚刚过去的春假, 我坐过不少飞机, 火车, 和汽车,而在欧洲旅行. 如果有什么是我最推荐的 宝博体育在美国,它有时间去邻国旅行. 例如,从我在 法国, most countries are just a two-hour flight away and it’s very easy to find hostels and hotels that can enhance your experience and allow you to see somewhere new!  


有一个星期,我拜访了我的一个朋友,并住在那里 在佛罗伦萨留学、意大利. 几天之后, I experienced Italian culture and saw different neighboring cities around 弗洛伦斯, 比如比萨, 维亚雷吉奥荒凉, 和锡耶纳. 关于法国队和意大利队的比赛,有一件事我没有意识到, is how in 意大利 the train fares are significantly less expensive and most of our train tickets were under 30 euros round trip. This made it very easy to travel around to different cities and we even saw the coast on a quick 20-minute train ride from 比萨.  


从意大利面到奶油甜卷, it was truly incredible to experience the Tuscany region and take in all the sights while exploring the city! In 意大利, it was interesting to observe the differences in the culture and structure of the city. 例如, 巴黎 and 弗洛伦斯 share the commonality of small streets with narrow sidewalks and have many historical buildings and monuments. It was also interesting to observe the different kinds of restaurants in 弗洛伦斯 and how the “boulangerie” in 巴黎 translates to a “trattoria” or “ristorante” in 弗洛伦斯.  


在这张图中, you can see the Duomo in 弗洛伦斯; I learned that the colors of the marble are from three different cities: white (Carrara), 绿色(普拉托), 粉色(锡耶纳). 

另外, one of my favorite similarities was in the pastries and desserts; for example, there are so many spots to get gelato and other pastries around the city. Just like with the 巴黎 croissant and the certain things to look out for when getting a fresh croissant, 在佛罗伦萨买冰淇淋的时候, it’s important to look for a place that uses metal tins because it’ll probably be fresher and more authentic. 总的来说,你不会错的 国外的食物 在佛罗伦萨有很多选择. Some of the restaurants my friends and I tried were Rooster Café for brunch and Il Pizzaiuolo for pizza, 都很棒, 我强烈建议大家尝试一下.  


It’s also very easy to get to other cities from 弗洛伦斯 and one of our day trips was to 比萨 where we saw the Leaning Tower and walked around the town. 因为斜塔是这座城市的主要景点, 我建议坐火车去海边玩, 视天气而定.

A tall leaning tower with a flag on top with Leaning Tower of 比萨 in the background

在比萨,我们当然要亲自去看斜塔. This was definitely one of the coolest things I saw while on break!  

我们去了维亚雷焦, and it was beautiful even during the rain and around a 20-minute train ride from 比萨.


In 维亚雷吉奥荒凉 we walked through part of the village by the beach and noticed orange trees lining the street!  

We also went to 锡耶纳 and walked around the main clock tower area in the center and grabbed some fresh pasta for dinner.


Here you can see the Torre del Mangia in 锡耶纳, definitely hard to miss in the city center!  

Something I learned abroad was that the Tuscany region includes 弗洛伦斯, 比萨, 锡耶纳, 和圣吉米尼亚诺. Each city was unique and I’m looking forward to exploring other cities in 意大利 like 罗马 和威尼斯.  


在我春假的后半段, 我回到了巴黎, 重新打包,然后坐上飞往波尔图的航班, 葡萄牙, 这与我之前的意大利之行明显不同吗. 在到达时, it was exciting to see all the different buildings around our hostel and explore the area. 我们的主要活动之一是乘巴士环城游览, 哪个虽然是旅游景点, allowed us to stay out of the rain and see different areas of Porto.  

当然, we got some amazing food and had an impressive pasta dish one night, 下一个是新鲜玉米饼, 当然还有很多粉彩, 葡萄牙糕点. We also went into Livraria Lello which is a beautiful library that inspired some of the scenery in the “Harry Potter” series by J.K. 罗琳. 尽管旅途中有一段时间是雨天, towards the end it was perfectly sunny and warm which made for a beautiful time exploring Porto and seeing all the local sights around, like the bridge and local restaurants and shops along the Douro River.  


在波尔图, one of the main attractions is the Dom Luís I bridge which is free for pedestrians and gives a great view of the city and river below!  

整体, my spring break travels across Europe were eye-opening and I enjoyed experiencing different cultures, 美食, 和风景. It’s also interesting to notice how 巴黎 feels more and more like home and how while traveling I found myself missing certain aspects of 巴黎. 就像其他城市一样, it’s exciting to experience other parts of the world and will lead to a memorable study abroad experience, 无论是在你所在的城市还是在其他城市!  

艾拉Madrak 内容创造者-博主在巴黎吗, 法国, 目前在马萨诸塞大学学习.
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